Our patron St. Alphonsa
വിശുദ്ധ അല്ഫോന്സാ (1910-1946)
- Devotion : She was known for her deep commitment to her faith and spiritual devotion
- Hope: She had hope that her suffering would not be in vain.
- Faith: She had an abiding faith in Providence.
- Humility: She considered humility to be the queen of all virtues.
- Cheerfulness: She was known for her cheerful demeanor despite facing many physical sufferings.
- Simplicity: She lived a simple life.
- Patience: She was patient and forbearing.
- Love for Jesus: She loved Jesus and accepted her sufferings with great love for him.
About us
We are a community of Catholics from Kerala settled in and around Torbay lead by Rev. Sunny Paul.
Support our Parish Activities.
Please support our Parish activities by making a Standing Order. You can do this using the Bank’s App from your mobile phone.
The Kerala Catholic Community, Torquay.
A/c No: 24531260
Sort Code: 30-99-50
How much to give is up to each of you.
A monthly one is most desirable. You can also give it on a yearly or half-yearly basis.
Holy Mass
Every 2nd Sunday: 03:00 PM (Malayalam)